Saturday, December 7, 2013


Since past few months I've encountered that I have been a slow reader and while reading unable to retain the information stated four lines before.Some one suggested me to go through the book named 'Read faster and better' by Norman Lewis .As I have been an online reader I searched the book on internet but ,all efforts were in vain .So I introspect myself and tried to figure out the root cause of this habit.

But before we get into it, let’s start with a basic question " What is the purpose of reading " ?

That sounds like a weird question and lots of from us never bother to think about it but still what made you to read at first place ?

The reason I could point out is that our brain recognized the content we are interested to read in and relates the info from outside world in it whether it is films , politics , sports etc and it depends on  individual.Last week I met a film director cum writer whose film got selected in Delhi film festival.When she was reading the newspaper for example any Bollywood celebrity interview (which I always look as a meaningless content) ,she was actually pointing out that why she/he said it and what made them to become more candid about their career /life and she sounds quite logical. The point is that every individual has practical and logical tactics to utilize to read non-fiction material more efficiently .its just that you are able to put the continuous efforts.

But when we’re young, the purpose of reading is to learn vocabulary and proper grammar. Therefore the way we’re taught to read when we’re young is designed to do that efficiently, not necessarily transmit information efficiently. What we have to do is to reorient the way we read to consume information and ideas efficiently. Grammar and vocabulary are prerequisites for this, but not the ultimate purpose.  For example in school we were taught to read by sounding every word and as we grow older we continue to posses that habit .I saw many people still counting on their fingers  :) .But is it the skills that have been developed or we do not want to give it another shape ? honestly, who remembers anything they learned in school?

The majority of our memories exist in our sub conscious mind and get activated in relevant context.Have you ever been in a conversation with somebody and something they say suddenly sparks a memory you hadn’t thought about in years? Yes it happens . The memories just need to be associated with something useful to come up.

I hope I would be able to incorporate few changes and able to read faster and retain more as I needed it desperately but still haven't figure out any methods to do so .Any leads would be appreciated whoever reading this post , please .

Good luck !

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