Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Welcome 2014

Time flies so quickly. I still remember what I was doing on 31st Dec 2012 at this minute and another year is about to over, humans ! When everything comes to an end then we realize the importance of the time we spent and think that I could have done it better , things would have been better or what a fool I was.There is an stupid new year party going on outside my apartment where the DJ seems confused as what to play. I've heard a 90s song 4 times and it's pathetic. 

There was a time of land line where we used to speak to our friends / relatives to wish them but now things have indeed changed.People are becoming more and more independent by being dependent on technology.Internet has made everything possible.Distance keeps increasing between people. Although we keep our smart phones / tablets in our pocket to keep in touch but do not want to bear a pain to meet them.Whats app and Facebook have become an integral part of our life where you are reachable at any point of time. I heard a joke that people get addicted to whats app this much that its "last seen at" feature  killed many relationships . Do you remember after Facebook /Whats app how many of your friends you have called and wished them ? As they say there are pros and cons of technology.The advantage I can see is that we get updates from what is happening in people's life by their status /pictures  .But I really miss the old days of 90s .I don't believe on making resolution as they are irrelevant to the core.Western culture says that keep dancing , laughing and enjoying till 12 am and your whole year will go the same way , nonsense. I may sound that I am unable to cope up with this fast changing world but it's a fact. 

Anyway these are just few negative or true facts according to my experience till now.This New Year be around people who make you better, not bitter. 
My best wishes for everyone to have the courage to pursue what's best for your life. 

Stay tuned , I shall write again next year :)

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